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Fully funded MRes position for 2024

I have secured funding from British Council Scholarships for Women in STEM for one MRes (Master by Research). You can find the advertisement of the position in the following link, scroll down to “Masters by Research in Computer Science” and then click on the plus sign next to “Lowering the Cost of Healthcare: Analysis of Gastrointestinal Microbiome” which is the project that I am its lead supervisor. Of course there are 5 other MRes projects in Coventry University which you can read their description in the same page.

The positions are only open to female candidates who are holding passport of one of the following countries: Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka or Bangladesh, and they have never studied or lived in the UK.

The funding is generous; it covers the whole tuition fee, provides a monthly stipend to cover living costs and accommodation, pays for the return economy flight from the home country to the UK, covers visa and insurance fees, and also covers the exam fee in case the candidate needs an IELTS exam.

The duration of the MRes is 1 year, however, if the candidate does an excellent work and the supervisor is happy with her progress, at month 9, the position can be upgraded to a PhD. So the funding continues for 2 more years, and at the end of that, the student receives her PhD in one go.

Therefore, I believe it should be a very attractive position for final year bachelor students who finish before September or have already graduated. If you know any students who are interested, please share this info with them. The link to apply for my project is the following, but please read the project description and the rest of information about the position at the advertisement page before deciding to apply.

If a student is interested in one of the other 5 projects, they are encouraged to contact the lead supervisors of those projects. I only can provide information about my own project. In my case, I prefer students who have some background knowledge about microbiology and bacteria. Therefore, if two candidates show the same performance in the interview, but one has experience in a microbiology lab, this candidate has a higher chance. The student should be aware that the project will involve more mathematics than in-lab activities. Therefore, there is an expectation that the student is willing to work at office and learn a lot of advanced math while working under my supervision. I would expect a student who is willing to work hard and is well-motivated. During the interview, there will be questions regarding mathematics, mathematical modelling, and of course programming skills. Typical programming skills with Python, such as writing functions, if statements, for/while loops, creating objects and classes and understanding of simple statistical data-related concepts are possible basic things that may be assessed during the interview. They should also understand the concepts such as variables, parameters, polynomials, derivative, differential equations in a basic level.

The deadline to apply is 31st of March, it is advised not to leave it to the last moment, as online forms sometimes encounter problems. If this occurs at the last moment, applicants may lose the chance to contact support and have the system fixed before the deadline passes. There will be shortlisting process, and then shortlisted candidates will be interviewed between 5th and 22nd of April. The selected candidate will start her role at Coventry University in this September.

It will be a highly competitive call, and only one person will be selected per project.

If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to ask.

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