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Apply-to-apply program to get an MSCA postdoctoral fellowship, 2024.

Coventry University has a new plan for people who want to apply for MSCA (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) Postdoctoral Fellowships in 2024 at Coventry University. It's called Apply-to-Apply. Here's how it works: Faculty members at Coventry University say what kind of research they're doing and if they're willing to be mentor of a postdoc. If someone is interested, they can contact the mentor. If both the candidate and the professor feel like they're a good fit, i.e. if the candidate has the right background, the professor has enough experience, and the project is relevant, then Coventry University will help with the application process. They have staff who will support the candidate, answer questions, and give feedback.

I am also one of the available mentors. You can see the title and abstract that I provided regarding my area of work. If you are interested, then just send me an email with your CV and the topic/question that you want to work on it. Your question does not need to be exactly in the line of the abstract below, but it must be related to the marriage of computer algebra and life sciences ^_^ After I receive your email, if it was a match, I will inform Coventry University and we will continue from there. Remember that MSCA postdoctoral fellowship provides funding for you to work on your project, therefore the proposal and question are yours, and winning this fellowship is a score on your CV not mine ^_^ Of course I'm open to give feedback on your idea and help you to make it better, but don't expect me to do it on your behalf or create one for you.

Below I first give you my introduction, then there is a list of information about MSCA postdoctoral fellowship benefits. For more exact details check their own website (click here) or let me know your questions and I will try to get the answers.

If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to ask.

Application of Computer Algebra in the Life Sciences

with Dr AmirHosein Sadeghimanesh

I am interested to work with fellows on projects at the intersection of algebra and dynamical systems.

Consider studies utilizing parametric ordinary differential equations to model phenomena such as the impact of chemotherapy on cancer treatment, or the spread of diseases in a pandemic. In these scenarios, the system comprises species, such as molecules, cells, or humans; and reactions representing interactions among these entities. The variables in the ODE model indicate the quantities of these species, which change over time due to the reactions. The parameters of the model are the rates at which these reactions take place.

In the real world, measuring all values of all the variables at any given time is not feasible: if estimating a parameter requires missing data, using this model for the rest of the study becomes challenging. Determining whether a model's parameters can be estimated based on experimental measurements is known as parameter identifiability.

I propose a project employing computational algebraic methods to address identifiability issues, reducing the algorithmic complexity of these methods. The aim is developing techniques leading to more useful models that assist collaborators in microbiological labs to push forward research in the life sciences.

Some telegraphic info about the MSCA postdoctoral fellowship 2024 with Coventry as the host

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